Guardian AI

Marine AI offers four versions of its Guardian AI system. Three versions are for ocean-going vessels: Guardian Vision and Guardian Manned , both of which augment bridge-crew capabilities; and Guardian Autonomy for autonomous, crew-less operations.

A fourth version, Guardian Port brings all of the efficiencies and risk-reduction benefits of Guardian AI to Port operations.

  • Manned Vessel Safety

  • Floating object detection

  • AI identification and analysis

  • Real-time risk assessment

  • Instant alerts

  • Significant enhancement in safety for both vessel and crew.

  • Manned vessel safety

  • Collision avoidance

  • Navigational safety

  • Weather avoidance

  • Efficient route planning

  • Remote visualisation

  • Bridge training.

  • Unmanned vessel safety & control

  • Control delivering intelligent system management

  • Safety delivering deterministic rule-sets (i.e. weather, COLREGS, SOLAS, ROE)

  • Autonomy delivering AI path planning and goal management underpinned by safety

  • AI-powered SMART port

  • Efficiency

  • Safety

  • Collaboration

  1. AI is the answer to handle an ever increasing amount of cargo and traffic.


Guardian by Marine AI reduces risk to vessels and improves the efficiency of the voyage from port-to-port.

  • Reduce collisions

  • Reduce cargo loss

  • Reduce risk of accidents

  • Increase fuel efficiency

  • Increase vessel utilisation

  • …and much more.

The Guardian Foundation

Each version of Guardian is based on the following shared feature-sets:

  • Scalable at-the-edge sensor analytics (Machine Learning, Computer Vision, COLREG/SOLAS/ROE rulesets);

  • Limited-bandwidth-friendly actionable information transmission and accurate visualisation to land-based teams;

  • Accurate vessel control and safety management.


A major benefit of Marine AI’s Guardian systems is that all decision-making computation occurs on-ship, vastly reducing the amount of satellite bandwidth typically required for these decisions to be computed ashore. Satellite bandwidth is reserved for efficiently-packaged real-time Decision Reports.


Typically, autonomous systems require vast quantities of satellite bandwidth to operate. Conversely, each Decision Report sent by Guardian includes, by default, only the data relevant to the parent decision. In this manner the amount of data transferred from ship to shore is minimised and expensive satellite bills greatly reduced.

Secure Connection

Guardian takes advantage of IBM’s “Edge” secure connection technologies to ensure complete end-to-end encryption of data transferred between ship and shore. It is built on one of the most secure and resilient Operating Systems on the planet that is regularly employed in critical financial and infrastructure projects.

Cognitive-neutral visualisation and accurate data analysis enables the delivery of accurate shipping, navigational and weather-derived safety advice to a bridge watchkeeper whilst delivering bandwidth-friendly actionable information ashore for use by authorities to monitor the safety performance of the vessel.

Layered functionality is provided by deterministic rulesets, i.e. COLREGS, SOLAS etc together with environmental information from Weather (via IBM Weather) and depth of water which together deliver constraints to enable the Bridge Watchkeeper to maintain a safe course and speed.

The system achieves performance and stability through the use of the IBM Power hardware architecture.

A modular approach provides scalability to encompass additional customer-specific analytics and visualisation capabilities as required.

Autonomy, Safety and Control represent the triumvirate of capabilities that together enable functionality such as the safe, controlled automation of surface vessels via a hybrid AI whilst delivering bandwidth-friendly actionable information ashore for use by authorities to monitor the safety performance of the vessel.

Layered functionality is provided by deterministic rulesets, i.e. COLREGS, SOLAS etc together with environmental information from Weather (via IBM Weather) and Depth of water which together deliver constraints. These constraints enable the AI agent to maintain a safe course and speed.

The system achieves performance and stability through the use of IBM Power hardware architecture.

The modular approach provides scalability to encompass additional customer-specific analytics and visualisation capabilities as required.


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